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来源: 时间:2021-09-13
争议二:根据第71章的注释六,镀贵金属的非金属不属于贵金属的范围,所以不能归入 71章,应按具有导电功能的玻璃制品归入品目70.18 项下;
争议三:镀贵金属的非金属不属于贵金属的范围,不能归入品目71 章,同时它是空心的,不是实心球体,不符合品目 70.18的“微型玻璃球”的条件,也不能归入品目 70.18 ,所以只能按“其他品目未列名的化工品”归入品目38.24 项下。
70.18 玻璃珠、仿珍珠、仿宝石或仿半宝石和类似小件玻璃品及其制品,但仿首饰除外;玻璃假眼,但医用假眼除外;灯工方法制作的玻璃塑像及其他玻璃装饰品,但仿首饰除外;直径不超过1毫米的微型玻璃球:
    10   玻璃珠、仿珍珠、仿宝石或仿半宝石及类似小件玻璃品
    20   直径不超过1毫米的微型玻璃球
    90   其他
一、玻璃珠 〔例如,用于项链、念珠、假花、墓碑装饰等;用于装饰纺织制品(饰边、刺绣等)、手提包或类似品;或用作电绝缘子〕。
三、仿宝石 (包括仿半宝石)。切勿将这种仿宝石与品 目71.04的合成宝石 或再造宝石相混淆(参见相应的注释)。
八、微型玻璃球,其直径不超过 1毫米 ,用于制作路标板、反光标牌或电影银幕;也用于清洁飞机喷气式发动机或金属的表面。它们是滚圆的实心球体
  (二)第七十一章的物品 (例如,仿首饰);
一、除第六类注释一(一)及下列各款另有规定的以外,凡制品(articles) 的全部或部分由下列物品构成,均应归入本章:
  (一)品目71.13、71.14及71.15不包括带有贵金属或包贵金属制的小零件或小装饰品 (例如,交织字母、套、圈、套环)的制品,上述注释一(二)也不适用于这类制品
 38.24 铸模及铸芯用粘合剂;其他品目未列名的化学工业及其相关工业的化学产品及配制品(包括由天然产品混合组成的)(+):
一、品目 71.01至71.04的天然或养殖珍珠、钻石、其他宝石和半宝石(天然、合成或再造)
二、品 目71.06至71.11的贵金属和包贵金属 ,未锻造、半制成或粉末状,但未达到第三分章所述制品的加工程度,以及品目71.12的贵金属或包贵金属废碎料和主要用于回收贵金属的含有贵金属或贵金属化合物的其他废碎料。
根据本章注释五的规定,含有贵金属的合金(汞齐除外 ——品目28.43)应按以下 规则归类:
(一)按重量计含铂量 在2%及以上的,按铂归类。
(四)含铂、金、银都 低于2%的所有合金按贱金属归类(第十五类)。
  三、全部或部分用天然或养殖珍珠、钻石或其他宝石、半宝石(天然、合成或再造)、贵金属或包贵金属制成的物品 (品目71.13至71.16)。本组尤 其包括珠宝首饰和金器、银器(参见 品目71.13和71.14的注释),但不包括:
WCO 的分析:
The Secretariat duly conducted a detailed examination and drew the following conclusions. Note 6 to Chapter 71 defines what is meant in the Nomenclature by “precious metals” and “clad with precious metal”. An examination of the structure of Chapter 71 shows that “precious metals” and “clad with precious metal” are covered under headings 71.06 to 71.11, given that those headings together with heading 71.12 are included in Sub-Chapter II of Chapter 71 headed “PRECIOUS METALS AND METALS CLAD WITH PRECIOUS METAL”.
Accordingly, by virtue of Note 6 to Chapter 71, “silvered hollow glass microspheres”, which are non-metallic products (glass), plated with precious metal (silver) by a process of chemical deposition, cannot be regarded as a “precious metal” or a “metal clad with precious metal” within the meaning of headings 71.06 to 71.11. However, Note 6 to Chapter 71 gives no guidance as to the classification of products partially or entirely composed of “precious metal” or “clad with precious metal”.
It is therefore clear from Note 6 to Chapter 71 and the Explanatory Note referred to above that the microspheres at issue  cannot be regarded as “precious metal” or “clad with precious metal” and consequently cannot be classified either under heading 71.06 as silver or under heading 71.07 as base metals clad with silver.
Note 6 to Chapter 71 does not therefore contain provisions regarding articles made wholly or partly of “precious metal” or of “metal clad with precious metal”,
Using this approach, it would be possible to take the view that the“silvered hollow glass microspheres” are non-metallic products (glass), plated with precious metal (silver) by a process of chemical deposition, that can be classified in Chapter 71, taking into account the fact that no other legal provision explicitly excludes articles of base metals or non-metals plated with precious metal from Chapter 71.
Furthermore , the Secretariat wishes to call the Committee’s attention to Note 1 (b) to Chapter 70 which excludes from that Chapter “the articles of Chapter 71”. Therefore, the Secretariat is of the opinion that it would be appropriate to determine, first, whether or not the microspheres at issue are articles covered by the scope of Chapter 71.
In support of the previous two paragraphs, the Secretariat refers, by way of example, to headings 71.12 and 71.17 which also cover articles of base metal or non-metals plated with precious metal, which are therefore not excluded from Chapter 71.
In support of the previous two paragraphs, the Secretariat refers, by way of example, to headings 71.12 and 71.17 which also cover articles of base metal or non-metals plated with precious metal, which are therefore not excluded from Chapter 71. In that connection, reference should be made to the products listed in paragraphs (C), (D), (E) and (F) to the Explanatory Note to heading 71.12 (page XIV-7112-1) and to the articles of imitation jewellery listed in the Explanatory Note to heading 71.17 (page XIV-7117-1), noting that the first one-dash subheading of heading 71.17 is worded as follows : “Of base metal, whether or not plated with precious metal:”; in other words, using the terms that are, in every respect, comparable to those contained in Note 6 to Chapter 71.
71.12 贵金属或包贵金属的废碎料;含有贵金属或贵金属化合物的其他废碎料,主要用于回收贵金属:
71.17 仿首饰:
    11     袖扣、饰扣
    19     其他
    90   其他
The microspheres at issue are articles made of glass and a precious metal which can be classified in Chapter 71 by application of GIR 1 in accordance with the rules in Notes 1 and 2 (A) to Chapter 71.
In the Secretariat’s view, the “silvered hollow glass microspheres” areproducts made partly of silver, a precious metal under Note 6 to Chapter 71.The microspheres must therefore be classified not as precious metal or as metal clad with precious metal but as articles made partly of precious metal, the latter being classified as provided for in Notes 1 and 2 (A) to Chapter 71.
metal clad with precious metal if, in accordance with the provisions of Notes 1 and 2 (A) to Chapter 71, the precious metal is not a minor constituent, minor fitting or a minor ornamentation . Expressed in other terms, the scope of the expression “precious metal or metal clad with precious metal” contained in Note 6 to Chapter 71 is different from that of the expression “other articles of precious metal or of metal clad with precious metal” specified in Notes 1 and 2 to Chapter 71.
In view of its analysis, the Secretariat has drawn the conclusion that: (1) there is no contradiction between the legal Notes; (2) by application of Note 6 to Chapter 71, it shares the point of view of the Chinese Administration that the microspheres cannot be regarded as “precious metal” or “metal clad with precious metal” and; (3) it does not share the view of the Chinese Administration that Note 6 to Chapter 71 excludes the said microspheres from the Chapter in question.
The precious metal (silver) content of the product is at least 20 %. In accordance with the Secretariat’s analysis, since the products under consideration are made partly of precious metal, the question to be answered is whether the precious metal (silver) content of at least 20 % is to be regarded as a minor constituent within the meaning of Note 2 (A) to Chapter 71. In the event that an amount of 20 % silver cannot be regarded as a minor constituent, and that is the Secretariat’s view, the product called “silvered hollow glass microspheres” should be classified under heading 71.15, to be more precise subheading 7115.90 in accordance with GIRs 1 and 6.

