1. MAWB(Master Waybill)(空运中的)主运单
2. M.L.B(Mini-Land Bridge Service)小型陆桥运输关务系统
3. n/n B/L(Non-negotiable B/L)不可流通转让的副本提单
4. Notify Party被通知人
5. NOVCC(Non Vessel Operating Common Carrier)无船承运人
6. N.V.D(No Value Declared)(空运中的)货物未申报价值
7. Ocean B/L 海运提单
8. O.C.P(Overland Common Points)(海陆联运中的)陆路共通点
9. O.F(Ocean Freight)海运费
10. On Board B/L已装船提单
11. On Deck B/L甲板货提单
12. Open Order B/L只记载to order的指示提单
13. Order B/L指示提单
14. Original B/L正本提单关务系统
15. O.T.C(Overseas Telex Charges)(运输过程中的)国际电信费
16. P/H(Pier to House)港对户
17. P.O.D(Port of Destination)目的港
18. P.O.L(Port of Loading)装货港
19. P/P(Pier to Pier)港对港
20. P.S(Port congestion Surcharge)港口拥挤附加费
21. PSS(Peak Season Surcharge)高峰附加费
22. Received for Shipment B/L 备运提单
23. RORO(Roll-on Roll-off)滚装船
24. Short-form B/L简式提单
25. Shipping Advice (出口商发给进口商的)装船通知关务系统
26. Shipping Note与Booking note相同
27. S/0(Shipping Order)(船公司签发给托运人的)装运单
28. Shipper 提单上的发货人
29. SHPR 与shipper 相同
30. Stale B/L过期提单
31. Straight B/L直运提单
32. Switch Bill (有中间商的)可转换提单
33. TEU(Twenty-foot Equivalent Unit)标准集装箱单位
34. TIN NO(Tax Identification Number)纳税证明号
35. THC(Terminal Handling Charges)码头操作费关务系统
36. Through B/L联运提单
37. TF(Tropical Freshwater)热带淡水载重线
38. Transhipment B/L转运提单
39. Unclean B/L不清洁提单
40. VAT NO.(Value-added Tax Number)增值税的税务登记号
41. WNA(Winter North Atlantic)冬季北大西洋载重线关务系统
42. WWDSHEX(Weather Working Day, Sunday and Holidays Excepted)星期日及节假日的适宜工作日