
首页 系统套餐 关务资讯

来源: 时间:2023-01-05

◆在手的过期未交货订单 back orders 

◆打退堂鼓 to back out 

◆忙季 busy season

◆旺季 high season 

◆萧条关务软件季节 slack season 

◆销售季节 shopping season 

◆上市、旺季 be in season 

◆下市、淡季 be out of season 

◆木箱 wooden case 

◆纸盒 cardboard box 

◆关税配额 custom quota 

◆海关放行 custom clearance 

◆海关官员 custom officer 

◆安排装关务软件 arrange shipment 

◆加速装船 expedite shipment 

◆延期装船 extend shipment 

◆提前装船 advance shipment 

◆延迟装关务软件 postpone shipment 

◆期货 future 

◆舱位订满 the shipping space has been booked up 

◆直达轮 direct steamer 

◆增加货物被盗或损坏的风险 add to the risks of pilferage and damage 

◆修改信用证 to amend L/C

◆整批装关务软件 ship the whole lot at one time 

◆提出建议 to put forth a proposal 

◆急需这批货 be in urgent need of the goods 

◆在途中 be in transit 

◆信用证条款与合关务软件同条款严格一致 the stipulations in the L/C are in strict conformity with that of the contract 

◆目的港 port of destination 

◆聚乙烯包装物 polythene wrapper 

◆橱窗展览 window show 

◆立足市场 find a footing in the market 

◆赶时关务软件 to keep up with fashion 

◆式样新奇、时尚 novel and fashionable design 

◆颜色鲜亮 bright color 

◆迎合顾客口味 to meet customers’ taste 

◆按照 as per 

◆携带轻关务软件便 light to handle 

◆保证安全 to ensure safety 

◆为……而感谢 be obliged for 

◆分公司 branch office 

◆小圆桶  keg 

◆麻袋 gunny bag 



◆铁皮圆桶 drum 

◆茶叶箱 chest 

◆捆 bundle 

◆琵琶桶 barrel 

◆包装费用 packing charges 

◆装箱单 packing list 

◆包装指示关务软件 packing instructions 

◆出口包装 export packing 

◆内包装 inner packing 

◆外包装 outer packing 

◆中性包装 neutral packing 

◆适合海运的关务软件包装 seaworthy packing/packing suitable for sea voyage 

◆远洋运输 ocean transportation 

◆瓦楞硬纸板箱 three-layer cardboard boxes 

◆抢眼又抢钱 catch the eyes as well as the purse

