
首页 系统套餐 关务资讯

来源: 时间:2023-01-05

◆平安险 From Particular Average 

◆水渍险 With Particular Average 

◆一切险 All Risks 

◆额外保险 extra premium 

◆偷窃、提关务软件货不着险 risk of Theft, Pilferage and Non-Delivery (TPND)

◆破碎险 risk of Breakage

◆油渍险 risk of Oil

◆渗漏险 risk of Leakage

◆玷污险 risk of Contamination 

◆罢工暴动、民变关务软件 risk of Strike, Riot and Civil Commotion

◆淡水、雨淋险 risk of Fresh Water Damage

◆提出索赔 to lodge a claim

◆由某人付款 for one’s account 

◆商赞处 Commercial Counselor’s Office 

◆按发票金额 at the invoice value 

◆检验报告关务软件 a survey report 

◆独家代理 sole agency

◆短交 short delivery 

◆猪鬃 bristle 

◆有广泛的业务关务软件联系 have a wide connection with/be closely connected with/ do considerable business with/ have close contact with/ be in close contact with 

◆销售代理人 sales agent/selling agent 

◆采购代理人 purchasing agent/buying agent

◆独家代理人 exclusive agent/sole agent

◆佣金代关务软件理人 commission agent

◆广告代理人 advertising agent 

◆代理协议 agency agreement 

◆年成交量 annual turnover 

◆不遗余力 spare no effort 

◆生意兴隆 a prospe关务软件rous business 

◆在这一方面 in this connection 

◆红豆 Red Bean

◆销售条款 sales terms 

◆销售合关务软件 sales contract 

◆销售额 sales turnover

◆销售代表 sales representative 

◆市场活跃 market active 

◆市场呆滞market dull 

◆市价下跌 market declining关务软件

◆行市坚挺 market firm

◆行市疲软 market easy

◆市况平稳 market stable

◆市况坚挺 market strong

◆市况不明 market uncertain 

◆市场疲软 market weak

◆控制市场关务软件 to control the market 

◆稳定物价 to stabilize the price 

◆加倍努力 double your efforts 

◆看透心事read one’s mind 

◆国内需求会急剧上涨 the domestic demand will go up sharply 

◆定个时间 fix the time 

◆纺织品 textile 

◆电器产品 electricity products 

◆化工产品关务软件 chemicals 

◆达成协议 come to terms with

◆增添和删除 addition and deletion 

◆市场下跌(熊市) with the market being bear

◆会议纪要 meeting minutes 

◆附件 accessory 

